If you have just begun your preparation for the CAT, I would suggest that the first step should be to take a diagnostic test. This would help you determine where you stand today, which in turn will help you understand the extent of effort you need to put in for success at the CAT. Also, you would get a fair idea of your weaknesses and strengths.
Next, you must chalk out a study plan. Allocate 45 days to get all fundamentals of Quant, Verbal and DI/Logic in place. Slot one hour per area, i.e., 3 hours of study every day. Every week, take one full length test and keep fine tuning yourself. Post first 45 days, start taking full-length tests every 3 days. You must ensure that you learn from the feedback of each test.
If you have already been preparing for the CAT, you must take a mock-CAT to see where you have reached vis-a-vis the IIM call score. Identify your weak areas and focus on them in the first phase. Remember, every mock-test that you take from now on will give you additional areas to focus on. Keep fine-tuning yourself accordingly.
A rough study plan would be:
September end till October 1st week – Work on your weak areas so that you can clear the cut-offs. Also, take 3 to 5 mocks.
October 1st week till November 1st week : Take about 9 to 10 mocks along with several small practice tests. Focus on maximizing your score in your areas of strength.
November 1st week till the CAT : Take one test every 2 days and build your test game plan.
Gejo Sreenivasan Principal Consultant
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